Search The Web And Raise Funds From Our Homepage!
We’ve added a great new facility to our website so that you can help us raise funds whenever you visit our site.
You’ll now find a brand new easysearch search box on our homepage. It works just like our easysearch page – – so when you use it to search the Web, you’ll raise funds for us!
What’s more, because easysearch uses innovative search technology to combine the strengths of several major search providers together – Yahoo!, Bing and more – it brings you the best, most accurate search results on the Web, in one ‘easy’ search.
So, if you want to find top quality search results AND raise funds for us, visit our easysearch page at OR log on to our website at and search via the easysearch box on our homepage. combines the results of several search engines such as Yahoo!, Bing and Ask to ensure you can always find what you’re looking for. But the fantastic thing is that EVERY TIME you search, half a penny is raised for Friends of Wealdstone FC. Search just 15 times a day and you can raise around £25 a year for us.
See what people are saying about easysearch
“easysearch is a great idea and just as good as Google for the results! I’ve recommended it to my friends and I think this site is the best around as it does something for people. Well done!”
“What a fantastic idea! I was using Google anyway but this way I get to raise money for my good cause every time I search…brilliant! I’ve made easysearch my homepage!”
So the next time you need to find something online, please use and raise money for Friends of Wealdstone FC with every search you make.