The Chairmen's Award

At each Awards Night, a prestigious “Chairmen’s Award” is presented.

The respective Chairmen of the Supporters Club and Football Club co-decide the recipient from within the entire Wealdstone FC community.

  • 1993-94: Nick DuGard
  • 1994-95: Ron Davies
  • 1995-96: David Albert
  • 1996-97: Roger Slater
  • 1997-98: Roy & Alan Couch
  • 1998-99: Management Team 
  • 1999-00: Graham, Pauline & James Smith
  • 2000-01: The Bognor Walkers Terry Dollman, Paul Fruin, Trevor Davies, Douglas Robinson, Steve Paull and Graham Jones.
  • 2001-02: Martin Lacey
  • 2002-03: Roy Couch
  • 2003-04: Terry McGovern
  • 2004-05: Ron Moore
  • 2005-06: Andy Burrows
  • 2006-07: Don Cross
  • 2007-08: Jeremy Albert
  • 2008-09: Steve Foster
  • 2009-10: Barry Benveniste
  • 2010-11: Adam & Minnie Gloor
  • 2011-12: Tony Waugh
  • 2012-13: Management Team
  • 2013-14: Gordon Hill (Wealdstone Raider)
  • 2014-15: Steve Wicks
  • 2015-16: Not awarded
  • 2016-17: Not awarded
  • 2017-18: Not awarded
  • 2018-19: Paul Fruin
  • 2019-20: Michee Efete
  • 2020-21: Not awarded
  • 2021-22: James Klarfeld
  • 2022-23: Lee, Daisy & Will Farrar
  • 2023-24: Gordon Thomson
Chairmen's Award
Winner of the 2023/24 Chairmen's Award: Gordon Thomson. Photo credit: Terry Hissey
Wealdstone FC James Klarfeld
Our 2021/22 winner James Klarfeld receiving his award from Nick Symmons