lest we forget

Remembrance Wall

We remember the service and sacrifice of all those who have defended our freedoms, we must never forget the past.

If you would like to leave a personal message of support to remember, celebrate and honour these brave men and women please scroll down and leave your message.

Our 2023 Remembrance tribute took place on Saturday 11th November before kick-off against Rochdale.

The service was led by Chief Petty Officer Andy Gibbs from HMS Collingwood, supported by Sergeant Brett Aherne from RAF Northolt, Lance Corporal Terry Hissey from The Rifles, Air Cadet Jacob Stocking and James McNulty, the Manager of our opponents, Rochdale Football Club.

Bugler Jane Anderson sounded The Last Post.

Below is our Wealdstone Memorial Plaque which was presented to the Club on 11th November 2018 prior to our game against Bath City by the Friends of Wealdstone.

Some photos from our 2023 tribute are below

Photo credits: Jon Taffel and Neil Sydee

If you would like to leave a personal message of support to remember, celebrate and honour these brave men and women please leave your message below. These will be collated and added to the page.