Help for Heroes Cheque Presented

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Help for Heroes Cheque Presented

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The attached photo is of Clive Leaper (left) presenting a cheque for “Help for Heroes” to Micky Young upon his return from his second (and final) tour in Afghanistan as part of a bomb disposal team.  Micky, whose home is in the North East of England, Help for Heroes Cheque Presentedcame to watch Wealdstone FC whilst stationed at nearby Northolt and has become a fan for life.  Before Micky left for his first tour, Clive, Secretary of the Wealdstone FC Supporters Club, organised collection boxes for the club house in the hope of raising £500. 
Due to the generosity of all that use the Ruislip Social Club in Grosvenor Vale, this target was exceeded and a total of £607.00 was handed over.  Micky is now stationed in Catterick, but keeps in touch via the fans forum and visits whenever he is back down south.

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