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Supporters notes

A very warm welcome to all for this highly anticipated match versus our friends from Kent. We trust they enjoy a pleasant time with us and travel home safely. The hospitality we received last week at their wonderful ground has set the bar very high for us to aspire to tonight.


The FA trophy has been a wonderful distraction from our league campaign for the players and supporters this season.  As a club it’s been great to pit ourselves against different opposition and given us the opportunity of visiting a few places that we don’t get to often enough. Many of our fans seem to enjoy a good day out that we now look to try to organise travel to the majority of away games using train or coach.

As you may know we had bookings for the original fixture date with the Darts using a 76 and a 49 seat coach. With the game called off on the morning we copped a huge cancellation fee from the coach company. We’ll try to recoup this through the rest of the season on other trips that we lay on. Please check our website for details.

We did manage to provide transport to get some of our fans to Dartford using harrow mini bus service. This proved successful and we will look to using this form of transport again in the future. The gent that runs this company and drove us told me how much he enjoyed watching the game so we may have just gained another fan!

The megastore continues to stock everything that a supporter could possibly dream of owning (!) ok maybe a touch of artistic licence there but always worth a look either today or via the site . Mim selling her Golden goal tickets raises money whilst giving a lucky winner a very useful £50 for correct first goal time and a handy tenner for the last.

Our Supporters’ club ‘new boys’ on the committee are Seth Dalton and Alan Palmer. Both fellas are helping in so many ways to raise our profile in and around Ruislip, Many thanks to them for this. Alan has undertaken a special task of highlighting the unsung heroes of the club that carry out a variety of jobs on a match day. Putting the photo’s together shows very clearly the great number of people that do this week in week out…We salute you!

This weekend could be quite a busy one for the club with ourselves with our destination unclear where we may find ourselves playing at the time of writing these notes. Wherever we do find ourselves the supporters club will be there cheering the team on. On the Sunday the supporters will be helping to run a busy day for the social club. With plenty of Cardiff fans using our club house as their base for the day on their trip to Wembley we have plenty of roles that you still have the chance to volunteer for, please see any of the committee members for details.

Is it still too early to use the expression ‘the business end of the season’? March and April are shaping up to provide us with plenty of more thrills and spills to look forward to.

Up The Stones!

AKA Brendan the coach guide.

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