Good evening and welcome along to tonight’s latest instalment of a very difficult season so far. To any fans from Hampshire here tonight –please try to enjoy yourselves without winning. Our hospitality has been noted by visiting fans as being really nice. The improvements to the ambience of the Vale made over the summer gives the place a nicer feel for occasional visitors from the rollin’ kitchen food to the beers in stock at the bar but there comes a point when we’ve gotta start making the place a fortress again. Tonight would be a nice start.
These notes are written before the meet the manager & chairman Q&A session. I trust that it was an evening where people were able to voice their opinions and receive suitable answers. Having attended in previous years you can always be sure to get a full reply when posing a question to our manager. For those that may prefer an even more forthright reply to their questions may I recommend the Friday Afternoon Debating Society if you’re ever free? Blunt, brutal , guttural –these are all descriptive words that Leo , landlord, footballl asst manager and bon viveur will give you.
I had a look at what the word ‘supporter’ meant according to the dictionary and it included: advocate, backer, promoter, champion, defender, partisan, crusade, proponent, campaigner, believer, jockstrap, garter. Ignoring the last two, these are key words that should remind us of our role as we endure the rough times at present that’s so different to the comparably plain sailing of last season Recalling previous footballing nightmares from many years ago made me conclude that the choice we take at this crossroads defines the next few years. I could of course be plagiarising the Whitehawk chairman’s notes from last month.
The supporters’ club have had a very successful membership push with so many new life members added to our numbers we are as always grateful to our membership secretary, Jeanette.
The megastore folk are gearing up for the Xmas rush ( I’ve said it – Xmas officially starts here) with a range of clothes, books and other potential presents for any Wealdstone loving person . The online website has been revamped recently thanks to our friend Neil Rands (aka Ranos). We’re working alongside our local card shop Manor cards to offer Wealdstone Xmas cards this year. Please call in to the megastore before, at half time, or after the game to sample our wares.
We’ve the AGM coming up soon, members should be receiving their invites in the next few weeks inviting them to attend and giving details of how they can get involved . Check out the website for all the latest news, again this has recently been over hauled and further improved thanks to Mr Ranos.
Enjoy the game, get involved , stay supportive. Up the Stones!
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