Vacancy for Secretary of the Supporters Club

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The Wealdstone FC Supporters Club has a vacancy for a Secretary which is a very important role within the Supporters Club.


General duties include the following:


1. To ensure that committee meetings take place every six weeks. Usually the date of the next meeting are set at every committee meeting.


2. Most Supporters Club committee meetings are held in the Aquarium Bar at the Ruislip Social Club. Prior to each meeting, the Secretary should contact Leo Morris at Ruislip Social Club to check that the Aquarium Bar is available for the meeting.


3. To take the minutes of each committee meeting and AGM.


4. To send an e-mail to all committee members, approximately one week before every committee meeting to ask if any member would like to a particular topic to be discussed at the meeting. This then can be added to the agenda.


5. To ensure that an agenda and minutes of the previous meeting are emailed to each committee member prior to each meeting. 


6. The Supporters Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) generally takes place every November. The Secretary should send out, (either by e-mail or by post) to all life and annual members the following documents, approximately four weeks prior to the date of the AGM: 


a) An agenda

b) A copy of the minutes of the previous year’s AGM. 

c) A copy of the accounts (provided by the treasurer). 


7. To keep up to date with all correspondence and action where necessary and give a brief secretary’s report at each committee meeting. 


8. To ensure that the Supporters Club programme notes rota is kept up to date and that committee members are told in advance the deadline for them to send their programme notes to Mark Hyde (Wealdstone FC programme editor).


Should anyone be interested in filling this position, please contact David Albert (Chairman of WFCSC) on 07988 792716 or email him on













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