Travel to Havant & Waterlooville

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Coach to Havant & Waterlooville,

Wealdstone supporter, Clive Leaper has kindly stepped in and offered to try and assist supporters to attend the match by organising a coach to the above match. If you would like to travel please either contact Clive a.s.a.p. by phone on 07532 482961 or by email at
Travel details are as follows:
The coach will depart from the Vale at 10.45 am. There will be a stop in Chichester and supporters can enjoy Chichester at their leisure. The coach will pick up the supporters again at 2.00 pm for the journey to Havant. The coach will depart from the ground after the game at 5.30 pm
Cost: Adults: £ 25.00
Cost: Concessions: £ 15.00
Concessions – OAP’s (65 and above) Children (16 and under) & Students


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