Supporters Club Coach to Concord Rangers Cancelled (Sat, 5 Mar 2016)

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We regret to report that due to the lack of bookings, a coach will not run to the National League South game at Concord Rangers on Saturday, 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused to those supporters who did book to travel.


The Supporters Club do plan to offer a coach service to the National League South match at Whitehawk on Saturday, 9 April and details will be announced shortly and to Truro City on the last day of the season (Saturday, 30 April) with details as follows:-


Supporters Club Coach to Truro City

(Saturday, 30 April 2016)

Subject to a minimum of 35 bookings, The Supporters Club are hoping to run a coach to the final National League South game at Truro City on Saturday, 30 April 2016 with a 3pm kick-off.

The coach which will have a toilet en-board will depart from The Vale at 6.00-7.00 am (final departure time to be advised) and will depart from Truro City’s ground immediately after the match.

Adults: £ 45.00
Concessions: £ 40.00

Concessions – OAP’s (65 and above) Children (16 and under) & Students.

Should any supporters be making their own way to Truro, there is the opportunity (subject to seats being available) to travel back to Ruislip after the game on the Supporters Club Coach for £ 25.00.

A decision will be made by the end of March on whether the coach will run to allow enough time for Supporters to make other arrangements should the coach not run.

To reserve a seat, please contact Alan Palmer (Travel Secretary) as follows:-
Email: / Text: 07961 872265 
Twitter: @alanthecharmer
When making a booking, please provide your full name, e-mail address and mobile telephone number.


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