Supporters Club Programme Notes – Chelmsford City (Sat, 17 Jan)

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Good Afternoon and a warm welcome to all the players, officials and supporters from Chelmsford City for today’s game. With both teams coming off the back of a 3-1 loss both have something to put right.

I thought that today would be a good point to update you all on the megastores sales over Christmas. Every year I think to myself that we can not keep increasing sales. I mean surely you can only buy so many mugs right? Well, the good news is that our supporters are the most dedicated out there and with a little help from Raider-mania we have done it again.

Now this piece is not about blowing trumpets or a desire to massage egos but in December alone we racked up £3000 worth of online sales not including cash taken at home games. Not all of this is profit of course as it includes postage and the cost of the items but enough to give our Treasurer, Barry Benveniste, a warm fuzzy feeling inside on these cold winter nights.

This 3k is made up of 146 individual orders that have to be packed taken and taken to the post office. Not forgetting the countless emails from the general public about the price of butter. The bulk of this was all done by my colleague Adam who is now on first name terms with the local post office lady. It is an fantastic effort so the next time that you are in the club shop please say thank you as without his effort and that of all our volunteers the club would not be where we are today.

If you have not picked up a 1st team replica shirt yet but want one; we are getting our final batches in for the season so please pop in and get one off the shelf or place your order today. We are really getting places with the all the programmes which have been donated over the years and now offer examples from pretty much anyone we have played against. Also we have copies of this season’s award winning programme and discounts are available for bulk purchases. Look out for some new products as we restock from Christmas!

Jez will be in the club shop at half time and at the end of the game if you are interested in going to Eastbourne Borough on the supporter’s club coach. The prices are: Adult Members £20.00, Adult Non Members £22.00, Concession Members £15.00, Concession Non Members £17.00. Plus if the bus is full on the day Jez will give a crisp £5 back to each passenger. Think of it as a Jez Tours closing down sale. The coach will leave The Vale at 10.00 am and will leave at 5.45 from Eastbourne.

Have a great afternoon and UP THE STONES


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