Programme Notes | Tuesday 23rd March v Woking

Picture of Terry Hissey

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Good Afternoon everybody and I would particularly like to say hello to the Woking fans who will be reading these notes post-match rather than during the game. Since my last programme notes in the New Year, I am still undertaking an audit of our membership and would like to thank the 166 people who, at the time of writing, have responded to my emails so far. (Up from 38 at Christmas) If you are one of the 31 members I have not heard from, can you please check your inbox, junk and spam. A big thank you to the many fans who have put members in touch via Facebook and the Stonesnet Forum. It is very much appreciated I can assure you. All membership enquiries can be directed to

The Supporters Club Executive Committee continue to be busy whether via zoom meetings or the website. Our own Facebook group has now grown to 167 members which is great. Please note that membership of the Supporters Club is not a pre-requisite to join. My partner Samantha and I have been visiting the club shop regularly to clear the floor of the large collection of donated programmes that had arisen in lockdown. In many cases, complete bundles of all home competitive programmes for seasons 1980-81 to 2013-14 are now available. Local delivery can be arranged too. If you have any specific wants, just ask as lots of new stock is on the shelves and graffitied programmes are now in the Borough’s recycling process! It was good to see so many people online recently for the late Miriam Goodman’s headstone dedication in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. A lady who is still missed in so many ways. It is planned to have an ‘In Memoriam’ section of the Supporters Club website, so watch this space for developments.

If you know any of the following, the Supporters Club would like to make contact with them: David Burgess-Allen, Christine Fletcher, James Johnson, Martin Kaiser, Denis McCarthy and Marilyn McDonald.

 In my last set of programme notes, I gave a big welcome to “Gianluca from Soragna, Patma in Italy”. This should have read: Gianluca Sardi from Teramo in Italy, my apologies. The Executive Committee would like to formally welcome the following

who have joined as Life Members since I last wrote: Dan Fox, Phil Jackson, Phil Jeffreson, Tony Platt, David Thomas and Michael O’Gorman. Plus ‘welcome back’ to Steve Hobbs who I recently discovered became a Life Member as long ago as 1990. 

Finally a task I have taken on in lockdown is photographing all the Supporters Club Notes appearing in the programmes since year dot. In the programme issued for the MSC Semi-Final versus Enfield on the 8th March 1980, Johnny Johns, the Commercial Manager, made an interesting point: “For the economists amongst you the cost of 300 programmes is £84. Sale of 300 x 20p (cover price) = £60. How about making sure your mate buys his own programme? There’ll be 700 on sale today and we make a profit after 600.” What would today’s figures look like?

Stay Safe in all you do.

Terry Hissey

Membership Secretary

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