Category: WFC Supporters Club

Behind the season

Harrow Borough 26/12/11

  Good afternoon one and all and welcome to The Vale for this afternoon’s League games against Harrow Borough & Carshalton Athletic. We trust you

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Uxbridge 10/12/11

Hello, and welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to today’s F.A.Trophy clash with Uxbridge. I would also like to welcome the match officials, players and their supporters

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Margate 8/11/11

A very good evening and welcome to Margate players,officials and supporters for the replay game in the FA Trophy. We trust they have a pleasant

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2011 AGM Notice

You are cordially invited to this Year’s Supporters’ Club AGM to be held on 23rd November at Grosvenor Vale ,7.30pm. Please find attached the notice of

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